Social Media Set up and Posting
Modified on: Tue, 9 Oct, 2018 at 11:56 AM
Social Media is a communication tool used to announce your business happenings and to share your brand.
What accounts can you connect to your social media profile? We have a few of the biggest…Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter!
The Social Media section is located in the Dashboard. Click the Social Media tab on the left-hand side of the screen. When you click the tab, a pop up will appear with multiple options. The first thing is connecting your accounts to your new system. To do this, click the Accounts tab.

Once the Accounts page is open, you will need to open the social media account you would like to connect, i.e. Facebook business page. Now that they are both open, click the correct connect account links below for the account you are connecting.

You may be prompted to “Authorize App.” If so, authorize the app and you can proceed with connecting your accounts.

You are now connected! You will now see that the Accounts page now displays your connected social media accounts.
How to schedule your social posts:
Now that all your social media accounts are connected to your dashboard, let’s create and schedule a new post. A post is an article with or without a picture, shared with your social media page. It’s recommended you write an article using information and photos relevant to your business and brand.
Next, let’s look at Social Posting (inside the Marketing tab). This is where you will be creating your messages to put on the different social media accounts.
First, choose the account you will be posting to: Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Once you have selected that, fill out the boxes on the page to complete your post. See the image below for examples of the boxes that need to be filled out.

Now that the content for the blog post is filled out, let’s look at how to post it. You have two choices: You can post now (by clicking the box for that field) or you can schedule to have your post go out at a later day (by filling out the information under Schedule Information). Once you have chosen which way you would like to post, simply click the “Post to…” to have your update post at the time you wish.
Now that you know where to schedule out your posts, if you click “Social Schedule” you will be able to see your pending posts and post scheduled posts from this page.

This has been a general overview of Social Media set up and posting. Should you have any questions about using any part of the DIY system, please check out the additional articles in the helpdesk.
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