Let’s look at a general overview of building in the DIY system. Follow the steps below and it will show you how to change font color, add an image, and much more.


1.  In the sidebar, identify the type of element you would like to add to the page


 2.  Click the element type you wish to add to your page to reveal the list of different elements that can be added. Select an element . 

3.   Once you have selected the element that suits your intended purpose, you will see a list of your different options appear on the right hand side of your screen. 

 4.   Drag the element onto the page to the section you wish to place it. 



5.  To change text, select the text you would like to edit and type new text



6.  Select “Color” to change the font color

7.  Change the font size


8.  To change the image, select the image you wish to change


9.   By clicking the photo you wish to edit, a toolbar will appear above the upper left hand corner of the photo. Starting on the left side of the toolbar, you have the option to swap out the photo for another image, Crop the photo, Edit the photo's Alt Text, Duplicate the photo, or Delete the photo. Select the picture icon on the left to Swap out the photo for  another image.