
The Social Posts menu item will aid the user in managing their social media post with the DigiPaas system.

Article Sections:

  • Add a New Post

Accessing Social Media - Social Posts Options

To Access the Social Media Options, Please Follow the Steps Listed Below:

1. In your dashboard menu, select the "Social Media" module to the left-hand side of your screen

2. In the drop-down menu, select the "Social Posts" option.

3. Choose the account you will be posting to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 

Add a New Post

1. Once you have selected your account type, fill out the boxes on the page to complete your post. See the image below for examples of the boxes that need to be filled out. 

2. Now that the content for the blog post is filled out, let’s look at how to post it. You have two choices: You can post now (by clicking the box for that field) or you can schedule to have your post go out at a later day (by filling out the information under Schedule Information). Once you have chosen which way you would like to post, simply click the “Post to…” to have your update post at the time you wish.

6. Now that you know where to schedule out your posts, if you click Scheduler” you will be able to see your pending posts and post scheduled posts from this page.