Article Topics

  • How to Access Your Orders Report
  • Column Header Overview: Orders Report
  • Filtering Options Overview: Orders Report
  • How to Export Orders Report
  • How to Print Orders Report

Before Getting Started: Navigate to Your Orders Report


1. First, on the “Welcome Home” screen, select the “ECOMMERCE” module located to the left-hand side of your screen in the sidebar menu. 


2. Next, in the drop-down list select the “Reports” option, followed by the "Orders" option.


3. You will now be prompted with the "Orders" window.

Column Header Overview: Orders Report

  • Date: This column will display the date an order had been placed.
  • No. Orders: This column will display how many orders that particular client has made.
  • No. Products: This column will display the number of products that client has purchased.
  • Total Shipping: This column displays the total cost for shipping associated with that order
  • Tax: This column displays the amount of tax applied to that order.
  • Total: This column displays the total amount combined with shipping and tax of the order in question.
  • Refunded: This column will display how much and if any refund was credited towards that order.

Filtering Options Overview: Orders Report

  • Date Start: Search for orders based on the date in which they were placed.
  • Date End: Search for orders based on the date in which they were completed / fulfilled.
  • Duration:  Search for orders based on the longevity of being ordered to being shipped.
  • Group By:  Search for orders based on categories assigned.
  • Order Status: Search for orders based on the current state of processing.

How to Export: Orders

Before following the steps below, be sure you are on the Orders Report screen. If in need of assistance for navigating to the proper page, Refer to article "Before Getting Started: Navigate to Orders Report".

1. When on your Orders screen, select the blue "Export" button located towards the top mid-hand side of your screen next to the print button.

2. Next, from the dropdown menu, select which format type you wish to export as.

Note: The following Format types are permissible for exportation: Excel, CVS, PDF

How to Print: Orders

Before following the steps below, be sure you are on the Orders Report screen. If in need of assistance for navigating to the proper page, Refer to article "Before Getting Started: Navigate to Orders Report".

1. When on your Orders screen, select the blue "Print" button located towards the top right-hand side of your screen next to the export button.